Present Simple 1a

Gapfill exercise

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.

"Three Billy Goats Gruff" [1]
The air [to be] crisp and cool. The sky [to be] an endless blue. The green meadow grass [to sway] in a gentle breeze. And Big Billy Goat Gruff [to be] bored. "I [to be] tired of eating in the same old field every day," he [to tell] his brothers. "I [to want] to eat in the meadow on the far side of the stream. "Ohhh no, Big Billy Goat," little brother [to say] . "I [to do] not want to walk through the stream for it [to be] too deep and too fast."
© M.Schmoller